Document Scanning
Many document scanning services specialize in the easy stuff. We specialize in scanning real world archives, which are faded, blemished, fragile, dirty and difficult. Your documents contain important historical information that we can capture in a secure digital format. Our services include:
- Scanning difficult documents
- Large format scanning up to 112 cm (44″)
- Specialized photographic stitching for documents wider than 44″
- Scanning books without breaking their binding
- Scanning irregular microfiche sizes/shapes
- Manipulating images to improve clarity
- Cleaning up scans to remove staple marks, streaks, hole punches and blemishes
- Reducing the file size of scanned images
- Metadata indexing of document collections
- Guaranteed quality control
Quality-controlled scanning for the toughest documents.
Digitization and Data Capture
Until the 1990s, most geoscience data was collected the old fashioned way—with a pen and paper. From handwritten drill logs to typewritten reports, we can convert these historical records into accurate digital datasets ready to use with modern software. We excel at:
- Batch optical character recognition optimized for geoscience documents (GeoOCR)
- Automated handwriting recognition technology
- OCR verification
- Manual digitization for complex documents
- Digitization of typed or word-processed assay data
- Geographical and geological metadata creation for digital files and documents
- Creation and population of a custom database
Converting physical documents into digital data.
GIS and Geomatics
Our GIS team includes mapping geologists, remote sensing experts and software specialists with experience from around the world. Whatever your project, we have the skills to handle it. We can:
- Georeference maps
- Accurately locate data from poor quality maps
- Capture data from paper maps
- Convert geological maps to interactive digital geology
- Digitize underground geology and mine workings
- Use remote sensing to answer geological questions
- Produce cartographic maps
- Create spatial metadata
- Create geospatial databases
- Perform time-series analysis
Putting your project on the map.
Digital Library Creation
Whatever kind of geoscience data you work with, we bet that your paper archives aren’t pulling their weight anymore. We can create a digital library using your data to make everything accessible at the click of a button. Among our offerings are:
- Shipping and receiving hard-copy collections
- Handling fragile, real-world documents
- Preparing and cataloguing collections for scanning
- Identifying duplicates or irrelevant documents
- Scanning documents and maps
- Indexing metadata from digital and hard-copy documents
- Digitizing content from scanned documents
- Organizing digitized files
- Developing a custom database based on digitized document content
- Providing P.Geo. project oversight
Turning paper archives into online libraries.
Database Construction
We design database schemas and create the web user interface needed to access and administer your geoscience data. Whether your goal is understanding regional resources or staking an enticing mineral claim, putting your data to work is key. We excel at:
- Database software selection
- Schema creation
- Generating metadata and geological data
- Creating web user interfaces with powerful administration tools
- Creating full-text search interfaces
Big Data is the future of geoscience.
Software Development
Our software development expertise goes beyond designing the framework for your database—we add functionality and efficiency to your organization. We work with a variety of operating systems and programming languages, making it easy for us to jump into an existing project and improve its features. We offer services tailored to your project requirements, including:
- Custom GIS plugins
- Database management tools
- Specialized geoscience software
Focusing on the software so you can focus on the geology.
Geoscience Analysis and Research
With Big Data comes big potential. We can leverage historical and modern data to unlock new discoveries, understand trends, and deliver value to investors. We can:
- Synthesize and analyze public geoscience data to provide new insights
- Integrate historical data with modern datasets
- Conduct predictive regional geological mapping
- Generate new mineral exploration projects
- Carry out prospectivity mapping
Leveraging the past to take you into the future.
Technical and Scientific Editing
We work with geoscientists to help them communicate their ideas more effectively. We have worked with government, academia, technical journals, students and researchers. We have collaborated on approximately 600 journal articles, research papers, theses, books and other works, at all stages of the publication process. We believe two editors are better than one, so two people look at every paper to make sure we’ve caught every thing everything. We offer:
- Scientific editing in the geosciences, biology, electrical and computer engineering, and computer sciences
- Proofreading
- Copy editing
- Technical editing
- Reference checking
- Style and formatting
- Adherence to style guides
- Graphic and table editing
- Desktop publishing
- Preparing for publication or online release
Experienced editors who know your field.
Looking for another service? Have a project idea? We have expertise in many geoscience realms. Please Contact Us to discuss your specific project needs.