Making Data Accessible

Purple Rock Inc. is a professional services company specializing in geological information management.

We convert hard copy geological archives (reports, maps and other records) into digitally searchable files and databases, making it easier for you to leverage past research to inform new exploration. There are historical mineral occurrences that have been overlooked and could be economically viable now, thanks to new technology, improved infrastructure and changing commodity prices.

  • Information Management – We convert libraries and warehouses of original hard copy documents into searchable digital libraries and databases.
  • Geoscience Focused – Most of our projects and activities have a geoscience focus.
  • Dedicated Team – You’ll be working with a team of geoscience experts with technical, machine learning, GIS and database skills.

Our analysts can review geological archives and highlight significant findings within. We have worked with a variety of public and private organizations to catalogue, scan, review and interpret more than 130,000 geological documents.

Unlocking the Value
of Your Archives

Geoscientists are accomplished in the world of gathering Big Data. Drillholes pierce targets and every metre of the core is described. Rock, soil, vegetation, water and gasses are collected and documented. Laboratories are overloaded with samples and analyses. Both above and below ground is traversed, creating maps of identified features. Where geology cannot be seen, geophysical data illuminates the bedrock and underlying structure. Always keeping true north in mind, location coordinates tell geoscientists where they are, and where they should be going.

Geoscientists are prolific report writers. Guided by knowledge and wisdom, data are transformed into comprehensive reports highlighting discoveries or documenting best efforts if a search was less fruitful. Each report is a contribution to a collective body of knowledge, leaving important footsteps for future explorers.

Geoscientists never throw anything away. Data collection and report generation takes a huge effort and is expensive. Regrettably, paper copies of data and reports may end up in an unmarked filing cabinet down the hall. Maps may be rolled and discarded in the nearest corner. Data may exist as PDF files in unsecured folders on a colleague’s desktop. Documents could end up in a warehouse, hundreds of kilometres from your office. In too many scenarios, and in too many ways, the future value of archival data and reports can be lost.

That is where Purple Rock Inc. comes in.

We take your archives—whatever their format or condition—and make sense of them, organizing, indexing and digitizing the documents so that you can see exactly what data you have. Instead of overlooked data and locked information, you’ll have your valuable archives at your disposal in your quest for a streamlined database, a new target, or the next great mine.

Document Scanning

Quality-controlled scanning for the toughest documents.

Digitization and Data Capture

Converting physical documents into digital data.

GIS and Geomatics

Putting your project on the map.

Digital Library Creation

Turning paper archives into online libraries.

Database Construction

Big Data is the future of geoscience.

Software Development

Focusing on the software so you can focus on the geology.

Geoscience Analysis and Research

Leveraging the past to take you into the future.

Technical and Scientific Editing

Experienced editors who know your field.

Latest Publications

We are proud to be part of the geoscience publication process, working to help people communicate their ideas more clearly. Since 2006, our team has contributed to the editing, layout and publication of hundreds of geoscience journal articles and other documents.

Our Clients

We work with geologists and other scientists to help them communicate their ideas and use their data more effectively. Our team has digitized thousands of technical reports, reviewed about 250,000 documents for various document databases, and assisted with technical and copy editing for over 1000 academic papers. We have worked with government, industry, academia, technical journals, students and researchers.

Interested in working with a team of geological data experts on your next project?